11 Month Update 

I’m a little late on this one! My tiny baby will soon be ONE! Party planning has officially started and It’s so bittersweet🙈❤️. This is the last month of my baby being a baby you guys😭.

Anywho, now that Jameson is almost one and still doesn’t sleep through the night, we started a mild form of sleep training! It’s been so rough on me but it seems to be working. And now that we are BOTH getting a little more sleep at night, things are so much better during the day! He naps better, he has more energy to play and I have more energy too. It’s a gradual process, but I’d say it’s definitely working🙌

This is where we are at 11 Months


Still around 20lbs



Number of Teeth

6 and it looks like we have another 2 moving in!


Yeah, I still have no clue why this baby won’t eat food 😅. His pediatrician isn’t concerned because his weight is good but I always see all these babies devouring food at 6 months and I can’t even get Jameson to put anything in his mouth lol 🙈


As I mentioned earlier, we are trying a mild form of sleep training. Like, really mild lol. It may take a bit longer than traditional methods (nothing wrong with traditional methods, this is just something I felt comfortable with) but it’s working! So far anyway 😂. I’ll keep you updated 😴

But that’s pretty much it! I’m not too excited for Jameson to turn one! Not ready yet! But I’m super excited for his party🙌. It’s been a lot of planning (or just feels like a lot because I cram it all in during nap times 😂) but I think I have it all down🤘. Anywho, this is what 11 months looks like over here



55 thoughts on “11 Month Update 

    1. Mine was very picky about eating at first too. I just kept offering, but not forcing. He pretty much turned his nose up at anything that was true baby food. We had the best early success with vanilla yogurt. Now, he eats everything! It’ll happen when it happens 🙂


  1. He is too precious! Our kiddos must be around the same age – my daughter will be 1 year old in February! This past year has flown, I swear I blinked and she’s grown up on me. 😦 Party planning has begun here as well….I might be a hot mess by the time the party gets here, but hey…that’s what we moms do best! lol

    He’s absolutely adorable, mama!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww I know that feeling!! I wasn’t happy neither when my boys turned 1😭.. They’re not so baby anymore.

    He’s such a cutie!! Beautiful smile. 👶🏻

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      1. Yes, it worked for me. My baby loved butternuts, I would blend it in almost all purees just for him to get the feeling that he was eating it. we are now at 8 months,night sleep has improved and his appetite lovely..he devours food..Cheers to Jameson almost one

        Liked by 1 person

  3. He is so cute! Our little guy has phases of eating solids and then not eating. He’ll be one in March and we haven’t even thought of birthday planning

    Liked by 1 person

  4. He’s so cute! We have the opposite issue. The rating for my little one is great! But the sleep is horrible! Lol. What sleep training did you do? Would love to read about it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. He looks like he is doing well. I found my son did not eat too well when teeth were coming through. Also he had times when he put on a lot of weight and it would disappear as he had a growing spurt. You have to follow what is right for you both. I used to know what to do with him at this age. I was very careful with food kept it simple and fresh home cooked meals rather than the prepared foods. No snack food. Fruit to gnaw on like apples for teething. Your doing a good job. Babies can be tiring as we do not have the freedom like before to rest and do as we liked. You should try to rest when he does and forget everything else. This is what I used to do as son did not sleep at night so well. We used to curl up on the couch together and nap. Blessings to you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! This means everything to me! And thank you for sharing your experience! Im just hoping he eats food eventually lol! I definitely do need to get more rest, I’m awful at that lol. Blessings to you as well❤️

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  6. We went down the path of sleep training in Feb, when our boy was 11mo, too. We were all just so run down. Found a sleep consultant who helped us find a ‘gentle’ method and it has worked wonders. Flash forward and still now in April we’re still going through the training program, so it’s very slowly slowly! But that’s what we feel is right for us to do, bub is sleeping wonderfully and now so are his parents! It’s just the self-settling part that we’re hoping he can learn to do without us, soon…


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